water water everywhere
Last weekend was wonderful and waterfull! First Jacob and I took the train downtown to Daddy's office. What a spectacular view from the observation deck on Daddy's floor. Then, we went to the aquarium -- Jacob's first time there. They have a special price admission for "Friday after Five." With a late and long napper, we're lucky enough to have a kid who can hang out way after dark every now and then. Although, given the sheer volume of parents with infants and toddlers who were there too, we're not the only ones in town with kids who stay out late. The best part of the Aquarium? For Jacob, it was the bars to hang on, as you can see, and the long winding ramp down all three stories--perfect for dodging parents.
Sunday we took a drive out to the reservoir and saw 2 swans that thought we had snacks for them. It was a cold, blustery day--not so great for walking along the water. We didn't stay long.