the "big kid" at 29 months

Yes, the crib is gone--replaced with a toddler bed, which will last for five months if we're lucky. As you can see, the toddler bed lets the user better control what goes in and out of said bed--especially large construction vehicles.
jayjoe's mommy: Oh, look at your digger!
jayjoe: Actually, that's a backhoe with a front end loader, mommy.
jayjoe's mommy: Oh, of course it is. Silly mommy. Jeesh.
The other "big kid" thing that's going on is toilet training. Here, Jacob is in total control--as most toddlers are. But he does manage to go #1 on the potty at least once a day. The other good thing is I have managed to convince him that he doesn't have to completely strip down to use the potty, that shirts are ok to keep on while conducting this serious business. With this frigid weather we're having, we'd have one cold Jacob on our hands since some potty sessions can drag on for hours.
All in all, it's all good!
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