Technical difficulties

Sorry for the inactivity. We've been a little out of commission. It started on Sunday, May 6, when we went to the 33rd Annual Sheep and Wool Festival (but who's counting?) in Howard County. We went to see the ewes, rams and lambs and festival-type stuff and I wound up losing our digital camera, which put me in a major predicament as far as this blog is concerned.
Jacob was a little underwhelmed with the bleating sheep, much to my disappointment. What's not to love about a cute little lamb?
Flashback to two years ago: a hot sunny day in May. Eric and I decide to hop in the convertible and head out to the Sheep and Wool festival with our baby (Jack Russell Charlotte). When we found out that dogs could not enter the fairgrounds, Eric stayed back with Charlotte so she wouldn't have to wait alone in the hot car. I ran in and did a quick sweep of the fairgrounds, saw the cute sheep and the overwhelming amounts of wool in various stages of becoming a sweater--just shorn sheep's hair, organic dyed wool, brightly colored skeins of yarn, etc. Eric hanging back with Charlotte noticed a ton of people leaving the fair with...brooms. An odd thing to buy at a Sheep and Wool fest. But we were intrigued. Not enough to go back in and find out what the deal was.
So this year, when we saw the broom stall where they were making brooms before our eyes (fascinating!) and a woman in the stall said she's had her handmade broom purchased here for over 8 years and it's still going strong--we were sold. And we even bought Jacob a child's broom. For all that cleaning he does. Actually, perfect for a toddler to swat Charlotte with, as we've since found out.
Now we are members of the cult of the broom. I guess it was worth it.
Oh, and at about 3 am the next morning, we heard Jacob's ocean aquarium music soother thing that hangs on his crib going off repeatedly until 6:30. Was it broken? No, Jacob had caught that nasty stomach bug and apparently couldn't get comfortable all night but never cried out. Poor little guy. Friday, he finally felt more like himself.
Eric got it on Monday night. I'm still waiting.